17 September is World Clean Up Day - a day on which we take special care of our planet. All over the world, various actions take place to reduce the amount of rubbish around us.

This year at our school, we wanted to show everyone that the amount of rubbish, can be reduced by reusing it. Eeach student in grades 4-8 could take part in a competition to make a usable item from waste. The results exceeded our expectations. Dozens of fantastic works were created and the pupils amazed us with their creativity. Toys, figurines, vehicles, vases, flowers, jewellery, handbags, shoes, clothes and many other useful items were created. Who knows, maybe there is an outstanding designer growing among our pupils?

The competition jury of students and teachers faced a difficult task in selecting the winners. The works were judged in two categories. Below are the authors of the works which the jury liked best.


1st place: Paulina Błaszkowska, Martyna Neuman, Paulina Rybak, cl. VIII e (team work)

2nd place: Nikola Wiśniewska, cl. VI c

3rd place: Yasmine Abdelnaim Aly, cl. VI b and Igor Książek, cl. VIII e

Distinction: Weronika Warska, cl. VI c



1st place: Paulina Rakowska, cl. VIII j

2nd place: Lidia Filipiak, cl. VIII j

3rd place: Rafał Barański, cl. VI a

Distinction: Cyprian Kulaszewicz, cl. VI e


We would like to thank all the participants for their participation and congratulate the winners!